About Scott Mclaine

Hi! I’m Scott McLaine, the host of the BrightWealth® Show and the Managing Partner of BrightAdvisor®. 

BrightWealth® publishes financial education videos and hosts live events. 

BrightAdvisor® delivers world-class financial services to everyday working Americans.

I’ve been empowering individuals and families to create their IncomeForever™ Retirement experience ...

... so they never have an “out of income experience” and live a stress-free life abundant with financial certainty.

This all started in 2000 when I traveled around the country to train professionals to grow wealth and make an incredible income.

I Found Myself Making All This Money and Doing Great, Living Very Well.

At the time, I was living in Paradise Valley, Arizona. I had a 4000-square-foot luxury home. A 6 Series BMW in the garage. Starbucks every morning.

I was good at making money, and my income seemed endless, and I spent it as quickly as it poured in!

But then the income dried up. Stopped. But my bills didn’t.

And there was this tremendous fear washing over me, where I realized, “I don’t have enough income coming in to pay my bills this month!"

"What am I going to do?”I had a panic attack. Then the guilt set in because I would let down my family. I’m going to embarrass myself!

This is a nightmare, “Here I am, traveling around the country doing motivational speeches and seminars, teaching success. I make lots of money … how can I run out? How is this even possible?” I asked myself.

I had an ‘out of income’ experience because I didn’t understand money.

I knew how to make it but didn’t know what to do with it once I got it!

But I realized I never got the class on what to do after making money. How to manage the INCOME? I was good at making it and even better at spending it!

A lot of Americans can relate.

So, I started searching for solutions. I downsized. I started to curb my spending habits. 

I swore I’d never go through something like this ever again!

I'm Going To Get This Thing Figured Out ....

Half of America is indeed liquid asset poor. Most people in America have less than 3 paychecks of reserve money saved up in case of a financial disaster.

So, I began to turn my life around because I didn’t want to go further down this road. Ultimately, I want an IncomeForever™ Retirement!

I’m so passionate and driven towards this aim I became a Financial Advisor. I got my Securities and Insurance Licenses.

And I began to teach people my “IncomeForever™ Retirement Plan,” the 12 steps I took to transform my financial life.

Currently, my team and I have empowered millions of people with our content ...

... trained thousands of professionals in finance performed hundreds of workshops for companies and provided financial education for hundreds of thousands of people online …

… and have empowered many individuals and families to create their IncomeForever™ retirement so they never have an ‘out-of-money’ experience.

I have published hundreds of financial education videos with millions of views. 

I teach everything from personal finance, retirement accounts, and investing to advanced tax-free income and savings strategies for the wealthy.

About BrightAdvisor ®

BrightAdvisor® is not just a financial advisory company; we are a beacon of hope, empowerment, and

transformation for American families.

Our mission is to help people from all walks of life attain financial freedom and stability by implementing the BrightMethod™.

We believe every individual deserves the opportunity to thrive financially and live free from financial anxiety, and we empower them to do this with the following:

A United Vision: Our founding partners are a diverse group of financial professionals who share a common goal …

… to make a lasting impact on American families' financial well-being.

We understand the power of unity and collaboration, which allows us to harness our collective expertise to create innovative financial solutions for our clients.

The BrightMethod™: We have developed a unique, proven approach called the BrightMethod™, designed to guide you step by step on your journey to financial freedom.

Our holistic and tailored approach addresses your specific needs and goals, ensuring that you receive personalized guidance every step of the way.

Comprehensive Financial Education: At BrightAdvisor®, we believe that knowledge is power.

We are committed to providing world-class financial education to our clients, equipping them with the tools and resources they need to make informed decisions and achieve their financial goals.

Client-Centric Approach: Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We take pride in building strong relationships and delivering exceptional service to each individual we work with.

Our team of dedicated professionals is always available to support, guide, and encourage you throughout your financial journey.

A Legacy of Empowerment: We are more than just a financial advisory firm; we are a movement dedicated to transforming lives and empowering the financial futures of millions.

By choosing BrightAdvisor®, you join a community of individuals committed to building a brighter future, not only for themselves but also for future generations.

When you choose BrightAdvisor®, you are investing in your financial future and aligning yourself with a team of compassionate, dedicated professionals who genuinely care about your success.

We are honored to be part of your journey and look forward to celebrating your victories as you achieve
financial freedom and stability. Welcome to the BrightAdvisor® family!

Are you Ready?


Click The Button Below And Enter Your First Name, Primary Email Address, And Best Phone Number To Learn This Little-Known Proven Plan To Have Financial Security And The Peace Of Mind You Deserve – Even If You’re Concerned About Retirement.


16930 E Palisades Blvd #100N

Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268

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7:00am - 9:00pm PST

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